Craft Fair and Bake Sale
Thanks to everyone who made the Craft Fair and Bake Sale so successful. Click on this photo to see many more pictures of the day.
Thanks to everyone who made the Craft Fair and Bake Sale so successful. Click on this photo to see many more pictures of the day.
Thanks to everyone who made this year’s event fun for all. Click on the photo above for more pictures.
Thanks to Dave Cieszecki for the photos.
This sunny week residents and guests came out to the pool to escape the heat.
Can you find the little rabbit hidden in Pam Cowan’s garden?
First morning aqua fit class– Rain or shine, we are ready to exercise
Thanks to our social committee for their time spent decorating and chopping veggies. Note the new tablecloths.
Thanks to our volunteer shovelers, who cleared walks and pathways to help us all get out and enjoy the brilliant white snow under beautiful blue skies.